We are registered in Bali and Wales under company number 1906240105749 and our registered office is JL. Bedugul No.35, Sidakarya, Kec. Denpasar Selatan,
Kota Denpasar, Prov. Bali – 80224.
You may contact us by emailing us at
If we need to contact you, we will do so by writing to you at the email.
Now, let's dive into the core values and essence of the brand. At bloom & wild, we celebrate women as wildflowers - each blooming uniquely, radiating confidence born from embracing their authenticity. Our blossoms are bold, unabashedly themselves, free from constraints and true to their essence.
Within us lies the belief in the simplicity and aesthetic elegance of self-expression.
We are registered in Bali and Wales under company number 1906240105749 and our registered office is JL. Bedugul No.35, Sidakarya, Kec. Denpasar Selatan,
Kota Denpasar, Prov. Bali – 80224.
You may contact us by emailing us at
If we need to contact you, we will do so by writing to you at the email.
Now, let's dive into the core values and essence of the brand. At bloom & wild, we celebrate women as wildflowers - each blooming uniquely, radiating confidence born from embracing their authenticity. Our blossoms are bold, unabashedly themselves, free from constraints and true to their essence.
Within us lies the belief in the simplicity and aesthetic elegance of self-expression.